You’ve written the press release, taken into account SEO, now what are you doing to make sure it gets found on Twitter? If you’re still not on Twitter, you really should consider it, since it’s more effective in driving traffic to your press releases than Facebook.
How do you best go about tailoring your press release for Twitter?
There’s still the problem of SEO and making sure that the title is self-explanatory, but I personally suggest making it catchy and interesting. If it sounds so boring that you want to die just reading it, chances are people aren’t going to be clicking on the link.
But let’s say it is in fact interesting; did you leave enough room for people to reTweet? I personally like to add a thought or two before I repost anything, so give your followers some space, ok?
Are you targeting all the right hashtags? Make sure your press release can be found where it needs to be found so that people can find it. And don’t just use #PR #PublicRelations; if you’re talking about cars, use #cars and so forth.
Some quotes can really make you snooze or are all just a bunch of fluff. Why not take the extra time and effort to make your quotes – well, quote worthy? Don’t use the same old, same old, and spice things up by ‘taking things to the next level’.
Look, there are many ways to get your press release read, and if you want people to read it, make sure they see it in the first place.
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Is your press release ready for Twitter?