
We let the facts do the talking.

How PR experience can help you as a mom

Finding Empowerment in Work and Maternity

On May third, I joined work post maternity. As the busy day came to a close, my director asked me how it went? “Empowered,” I said.

I’ve always loved my work. Knowing the intricacies of the PR industry for almost a decade meant that I was equipped with enough patience and techniques to balance both a personal and professional life.

The maternity leave was just a break from office slogging, while on the personal front it was full-time work, any mother reading this would agree.

The communications industry is constantly changing – it updates every few seconds. As PR professionals working across different industries, we need to be prepared at all times to respond whenever necessary and wherever relevant. Which means you need to be on your toes at all times – definitely quite similar to being a mother – a role that requires 24×7 attention and measureless dedication.

Here are a few points relating to my PR experience that ultimately played a significant role in making my journey as a new mom more organised and less stressful.

Always available

  • Clients consider us PR professionals as partners and want you there whenever they need. Same with the baby. There is no specific time the demand or crisis would arise – be ready, always.


  • A lot of us (PR professionals) multitask at work. But in the journey of motherhood, you need to keep your mind sane and think in the right directions to avoid any catastrophes. In PR we work across various industries and must be able to switch our attention and mind to wherever needed – this skill comes in handy when you are a mom.

Plan your day in advance

  • Even if you have immaculately slated out your day, there is a probability that unexpected situations will arise. But if you have activities planned, it’s easier to get back on track to the schedule after distractions.

Understand the situation

  • Problems come without a plan. Sometimes, your preparedness is not the answer. As a professional and as a mother, this remains the same – all you need is a collected mind and a zealous heart to guide you through and let you look at things in a different light, and perspective.

Continue reading

  • Both kids and the industry – are continuously evolving. Being updated is a must and nothing fulfils this need better than reading. Read as much as you can – so you are equipped with the best solutions when problems arise.

Overall, lessons learnt at work made my motherhood journey easy and motherhood in-turn simplified the transition back to work!


Lovelyn Rodrigues is Account Manager at Cicero & Bernay Public Relations, an independent PR agency headquartered in Dubai offering new-age public relations consultancy to the UAE and across the MENA region. |