
We let the facts do the talking.

The Art of Public Speaking

10 tips on how to manage the stress of it all.

I was 9 years old the first time I stood in front of an audience and although my knees were shaking, I still managed to get through an entire song by Madonna! It was the start of a life of performing at numerous events, including a major concert for an audience of 60,000 people a couple of years ago – a time when I almost fainted!

As far as the corporate side of my public speaking went, I was live on the radio at the age of 17, gave my first official presentation at the age of 24 and sat on my first press conference panel when I was 25. One would expect that performing and speaking in front of an audience would get easier as time went by and the more I did it, but the truth is, it doesn’t work quite that way. Nerves still play a major part in the proceedings even 30 years later. What does get better, though, is the ability to manage my fears and to generate more confidence on stage. Here are ten of the most essential tips relating to public speaking I have learned along the way.

1. It’s ok to be nervous

Let go of the idea that you need to be perfect. Even the most famous speakers and performers get nervous before they go on stage. It’s completely normal.

2. Tap into your strengths

Remind yourself of the qualities and qualifications that earned you this speaking opportunity. You were invited to speak for a reason—trust that you’re the right person for the job.

3. Knowledge is power

Build up your knowledge and information about the topic you are going to be speaking about. The more insight you have into the matter and the better you know your material, the more confident and comfortable you will be.

4. Know your audience

Tailor your speech to engage your audience. For senior executives, get straight to the point. If you’re speaking to students, you might want to be more detailed and relatable.

5. Mark your territory

Visit the venue you will be speaking in beforehand to get a feel for the space, even if it is only an hour before the event. Test the acoustics and listen to yourself through the sound system. On the day of your speech, be on-site early to allow any jitters to subside.

6. Breathe

Proper breathing is essential for managing nerves and delivering your speech effectively. Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing, stretching, or meditation to help control your breathing.

7. Practice

Rehearse your speech out loud in front of a mirror or a trusted friend. Rather than memorizing it word for word, use key points to trigger your thoughts. This will make your delivery feel more natural and flexible.

8. Fake it till you make it

Your posture, breathing, and command of the subject can create an impression of ease and assurance, even if you don’t feel it yet. Projecting this confidence through your body language can enhance your presence on stage.

9. Don’t worry about missing a line

Don’t sweat it if you miss a point here or there, at the end of the day the only person who knows what is on that sheet of paper in front of you is you. No one in the audience has a clue, so just focus on the overall message you came to share and how it will impact or change the lives of the people listening to you.

10. Focus on friendly faces in the crowd

There are always several happy faces that you can gain strength from, so avoid the cynical faces and look for big comforting smiles. Make sure you look around the entire room giving every corner its equal share of your attention.


Eventually, with practice, you will learn to manage the stress associated with public speaking, but most importantly, you will transform yourself into the individually unique presenter that you are. At the end of it all, people remember will what you stood for and how much passion you showed – something that will inspire the people you address.

Anything you would add?