The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines sustainability as follows: “Everything that we need for our survival and well-being depends, either directly or indirectly, on our natural environment. To pursue sustainability is to create and maintain the conditions under which humans and nature can exist in productive harmony to support present and future generations.”
In public relations, sustainability has become essential for effective business management. Its brand-enhancing qualities improve business margins and reduce the negative impacts of corporate behavior on communities and the planet. Many companies recognize that they need societal approval, often referred to as a “societal license” or stakeholder support, to operate effectively.
Two key factors explain how and why PR works with sustainability in mind. First, there is the question of reputation. A company’s reputation, driven by stakeholder expectations and perceptions, can impact its license to operate either positively or negatively. Similarly, sustainability is viewed variably—some regard it as a trend, while others embrace eco-friendly brands as a lifestyle choice. PR plays a crucial role in shaping a positive reputation for sustainability among companies and individuals.
Secondly, reputation is ‘contagious’; one person’s perception is often influenced by others’ recommendations and criticisms. Society can easily jump on the “bandwagon” of a positive or negative narrative around a company or individual’s reputation. This makes reputation management through PR even more powerful. With the growth of media and social media, stakeholders have greater access to vast amounts of information, affecting their assessment of a company’s reputation through metrics relevant to them – whether it’s financial performance, product quality, customer service, brand social responsibility, or sustainability.
All public relations practitioners must understand the benefits of sustainability. Once the concept and its utility for public relations efforts are understood, the role of sustainability in the future of businesses becomes clearer.
Sustainability is no longer a trend or just a business manoeuvre; it is a necessity to effectively run a business in this day and age.