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Six Tips for a TV pitch

How to successfully secure a TV slot for your client

Securing a broadcast slot for your client on a popular TV show is a great way to generate media exposure for them. However, you need to ensure that your pitch to the studio is well-prepared if you want to capture that opportunity. Here we look at six rules that will help you with that all-important producer approach.

1. First, make sure your client is TV-friendly

Unlike print media where you can insert answers on your client’s behalf – giving them full credit in the process – broadcast media requires your client to provide their unedited responses in real-time under the full glare of the cameras. Make sure that they are comfortable verbal communicators before you make your pitch. A poor interview will reflect badly on your client and you, with producers remembering your name for all the wrong reasons.

2. Be specific in the subject line when emailing

If you are using an e-mail approach, be specific with your subject. Ensure clarity and get straight to the point about what you are offering.

3. Tell producers what you want

Explain to the producer exactly what you want, e.g.; ‘I would like you to feature this guest on the morning show’ or ‘I am hoping you might be interested in covering this event.’

4. Be ready with an explanation of the benefits

There will be nothing more off-putting for a producer than hearing the words ‘er’, and ‘um’ when he or she asks you why they should feature your client. Be ready with key selling points that you can use to persuade them.

5. Know when to call

Producers are best to reach when they’re not recording. They do not appreciate being disturbed by pitch calls when their studios are busy. Phone the main switch where possible to establish when they are likely to be off-air and schedule your return call accordingly.

6. Ask yourself the hard question —”Who actually cares?”

Further to point number four, you should critique your offering and do so before you pitch the interview. If you do pique a TV station’s interest, you are bound to be asked the following questions anyway:

1. Why does the viewer care about this?

2. If they don’t, why should we make them care?

3. How are we going to tell this story to make them care?

4. What details can we leave out?


Good luck with your pitch!