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Some practical steps to take when turning your goals into reality

Everyone sets goals, whether consciously or unconsciously. We have goals to get a different job or simply to keep our current one. We have goals to save for the future, to travel, to take a vacation, or to purchase the things we want to make our lives more enjoyable.

When setting goals, it is vital to establish exactly what you are aiming to achieve – this will make your objectives realistic. You need to identify exactly the position you want to reach and the tools to use.

If your goal is a big one, you should consider breaking it down into smaller steps to stardom. A too-large objective can be scary and off-putting, as the end can seem a million miles away. It helps if you can see measurable, achievable stages in front of you.

Here are six pointers that can help you accomplish your goals:

Don’t go overboard with the number:

If you are too ambitious and try to achieve all your dreams in one fell swoop, you will likely become overwhelmed and quit.

Don’t talk big:

Think before you let everyone know your aims. Announcing your goals before you do something about them can burden you with other people’s expectations.

Be specific with your goals:

Have clearly defined targets – the more specific they are the better the results you will have.

Write your goals down:

A recent study by Dr Gail Matthews, a clinical psychologist who specialises in overcoming barriers to success and fulfilment, revealed that writing your goals down increases your chances of success.

Share with someone you trust:

Instead of announcing to all and sundry your goals, enlist support from someone close to you. This can go a long way in helping you.

Track and share weekly progress:

Have a person you have chosen as your support monitor your achievements with you.

Focus on progress:

Seeing that you are getting somewhere will give you the drive to continue.

Don’t reward yourself too early:

While focusing on the positives and seeing progress is more likely to keep you going, it is also more likely to make you want to reward yourself. This can be counterproductive, as it can engender a sense of achievement too early and remove the impulse to continue.

One of the biggest reasons people fail to achieve their goals is that they experience conflict between their behaviour and their values. However, when your values and your goals are in agreement, there is no stopping you! Clarify your values first then set simple, specific, measurable, tangible, written goals that are consistent with those values. Then you will achieve them, every single time!